Bountiful Tamarisk Gift
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By Sly9 (MW / / OPP)

Bountiful Tamarisk Gift

A non-canon location setting in Creation's South-west corner. I've custom made multiple locations within this area and they can be found here on the Wikidot (as I update and add them) and also on my More Than Myths Wikipage, which holds all sorts of information for my Exalted games.

This beautiful oasis lies in the middle of the dessert. Its fragrant and blooming flowers seem to sprout year round here. The gargantuan beasts known as the Animar travel only to specific places to eat and rest. For reasons unknown, three of the four places that the Animar are known to stop at reside in the I'anyai lands. This is the only known place where the Animar travel, that is under the control of the I'anyai.

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